Volunteer Program

During your stay, your tasks will include 90 minuts of Seva Yoga or selfless service in both Ashrams; cooking, cleaning, organic gardening, painting, helping us with the maintenance of the ashram, computer work, translations etc.

There is also the possibility to teach English, art, yoga and cooking/nutrition to the local community. We are open to learning about your skills and what inspires you to share with us.

Practices in the Ashram

You are invited to participate in the morning program of mantra meditation, pranayama (breathing exercises) and Kirtan (devotional singing).

We start at 6:45 am Pranayama and Yoga Class (1 practice per day). Then we continue with Kirtan (chanting of mantras). Each personsworks in Karma Yoga (selfless service) 4 hours a day.


During your stay at the Yogendra Center we ask that you follow the following rules to maintain harmony and promote growth and transformation.

Respect the peaceful atmosphere of the Center by choosing positive actions, words and attitudes.

All Ashram participants agree to be punctual in the morning for the meditation and yoga program.

This is a 100% alcohol, cigarette and drug free space. We encourage and invite you not to drink, smoke, drink coffee or use drugs during your stay so that you can get the most out of your stay here.

Éste es un hogar lacto-vegetariano. Te pedimos que no consumas productos animales (excepto productos lácteos) mientras estas en las instalaciones. Nada de carne o huevo en la propiedad.

Te pedimos que trates este espacio como un templo y mantengas los espacios públicos y tu cuarto limpios. Esto incluye el tipo y volumen de tu música y mantener tus objetos personales fuera de los espacios públicos.

We practice noble silence between 9:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.

We close the main gate of the Ashram at 8:30pm

If you are participating in an Ashram program you can decide to go out in the afternoons or evenings. However we recommend you to focus on the yoga course and to follow the vegetarian, caffeine and drug free lifestyle even outside the Ashram.

If you have any difficulty with someone from the center (volunteer, student or teacher) or a personal problem, please talk to someone from the team as soon as the problem arises. Difficulties between people in a group are usually cases of misunderstanding or lack of communication and can be easily resolved.


Please check with the Yogendra team if you are interested in long-term volunteer positions..


Three vegetarian meals

Yoga and Meditation Class

Volunteer: $30usd/day

Guest: $55usd/day

Stay as a guest with us

“It reminds us that the highest goal in life is love”

“Loving Service Through Yoga”